For readers of our previous blogs, you'll be aware that the National Lottery Heritage Fund has enabled our oral history producer, Julia Letts, to go into schools near our new Hardwick Green Meadows nature reserve and work with them to learn to use the same equipment that she and her team of volunteers are using.
Building on this, both Eldersfield Lawn and Pendock primary schools have each had a memory day where members of the community have come into schools to share their experiences about home life, the village, what the school used to be like, food they ate, jobs and farming in the area, land use and the surrounding countryside. The days were fascinating with guests bringing in photos and memorabilia to help bring their memories to life; children were invited to talk to and record them.
Staff at the schools also dug out their log books, which recorded daily school life dating back to the late 1800s.
Below you'll find more information about the days from Julia as well as a wonderful summary of what's been happening at Pendock CE Primary School by Ted from Year 6.