Worcestershire's Hedgehogs
There are 95% fewer hedgehogs now than there were in the 1950s and some experts predict they could be extinct in the next ten years! We need your help to find out how Worcestershire's hedgehogs are doing...
Beccy introduces herself and this amazing heathland restoration project...
A garden fox has won the hearts of Worcestershire’s residents in a public vote to choose the winner of a photo competition.
A scheme to map one of Worcestershire’s most treasured birds is helping to fill the gaps in our knowledge about the humble house sparrow.
From dancing damselflies to blooming bluebells, 12 images capturing the wild side of Worcestershire have secured winning places in this year’s photography competition run by Worcestershire…
Worcestershire County Council's County Hall will soon be blossoming with wildflowers thanks to the Natural Networks project.