Nature continues to give me so much, helping me through some challenging times, and there can be no doubt that nature, now more than ever, needs our help. Eight months ago, I bravely decided to switch careers from being office-based for over 30 years to doing a hands-on job in conservation. During that time, I had tried my best to let nature into my life at nights and weekends but it wasn’t enough for me. I studied for numerous qualifications and volunteered for several conservation organisations.
I saw the advert for conservation trainees at the Trust in May 2022 and it immediately made me smile. The prospect of having the opportunity to spend a year on a structured programme, refreshing my knowledge whilst gaining essential practical skills, really excited me.
I think back to how thrilled I felt when Iain, the Practical Land Management Officer, rang to offer me the role. I smiled to myself as it dawned on me that I was about to start a new chapter of my life, in wildlife conservation. What skills I would gain and how much more confident would I be? I hoped it would help me to push the boundaries as to the kind of roles I’ll be applying for at the end of the traineeship. What I did know was that it was the right thing to do for me at the right time.
I started with Katie and Carolyn on 6th September. We spend three days per week out on the reserves with Romy, who started her traineeship in April, and under the direction and guidance of Andy Bucklitch, the new Practical Land Management Officer. Andy’s only been in post two weeks longer than us but you’d never know it. He’s always there to explain the task, why we're doing it and how to do it safely. We quickly gelled as a team, working well together and looking forward to coming in each day to see what’s in store for us. What more could you ask for than that?
In order to make each day count, I’ve been keeping a journal and, to show just what a fantastic journey it's been so far, I thought I’d list all the challenges and opportunities from A-Z that I’ve experienced over the past four months.