Did you know that there are over 270 species of bee in the UK? As well as the familiar bumblebees, who work together to make the colony a success, there are more than 240 species of solitary bees, which are often overlooked or misidentified as other insects. Female solitary bees provide food for their own offspring, rather than have workers to do this for them. They can be found nesting in soil, wood, plant stems and even brick walls so having plenty of different places available for them in your garden or local green space is really important.
You can find out more about bees that you might find in Worcestershire and how you can give them a helping hand below. Our short video offers an introduction to Worcestershire's bees and we'd recommend downloading our Wild About Gardens bee action pack, which is packed full of ideas to help your local bees.
Happy bee spotting 🐝

Download our Wild About Gardens bee action pack.
You'll find lots of information about how bees live as well as hints and tips to helping them where you live - from what plants make great nectar stations to how you can provide a home from home for your buzzy buddies.
Find out more about what bees you might spot in Worcestershire as our colleague Nick explains more about our local bees...
Not all bees are furry and bumble around, some are almost hairless and much more stealthy. Meet the nomad bees...
Still have a burning questions about our buzzing buddies? Let's see if we can help out...