Farming with nature

Ladies bedstraw in a wide uncut field margin at Lower Smite Farm by Wendy Carter

Lower Smite Farm uncut field margin by Wendy Carter

Farming with nature

We offer a range of professional consultancy services for farmers and landowners across Worcestershire, Herefordshire and Gloucestershire.

Wildlife survey and monitoring

Wildlife surveys are crucial to understanding the health of an ecosystem and the environment. They give us insight into which species are doing well, which could be endangered and, ideally, move us toward taking action to protect wildlife and the habitats important to their survival.

One of our consultants will be able to guide you through the survey and monitor processes for your areas. 

Natural Flood Management, Watercourse and Pond Management/Creation

We take a catchment-based approach to protect, restore and mimic the natural functions of catchments and floodplains to store and slow down the flow of water. Our advisors also have a wealth of knowledge on wetland/pond recovery and creation and can assist you in all aspects of water management.

Funding Opportunities (SFI, Countryside Stewardship, Landscape Recovery etc)

Our consultants are happy to talk to you about the different funding that is available to you in your areas. The team can conduct a farm visit to assess what would be suitable and work for you and your business, whilst either guiding you through or completing the application process for you. We are also able to support you with annual and capital claims as part of your agreements.

Soil health and management

For many of the environmental scheme options soil organic matter tests will be needed, we can complete these along with other in depth testing including soil structure analysis, worm counts and porosity. Our advisors will be able to discuss with you alternative management techniques and methods that could improve on these when necessary.

Environmental regulation compliance

Our advisors can help you with any legislative changes and compliances you are needing assistance with or to understand.

Woodland creation

Our advisors can provide consultations and advice regarding funding for the creation and annual maintenance of woodland.

Contact us

Please send us an email to along with your name, phone number and outline of what areas you are wanting to cover/advice regarding and we will endeavor to ensure that you are directed to the right team member who can help you.

Silhouette of cow, grasses, wildflowers and birds with wording 'Farming with nature - farm advice services from Gloucestershire, Herefordshire & Worcestershire Wildlife Trusts"
Two people looking at a grassland with one person pointing at something

Surveying by Matthew Roberts

Our fees

Consultancy fee charges (inclusive of VAT):

Initial first two hours of agricultural consultancy advice are free.

  • Per hour £72
  • Half day £240
  • Full day £480

Environmental Land Management Scheme application approx. £500 - £1500 (VAT charges to be applied)

Soil testing fees will be in addition to consultancy fee and will be charged at cost prices (VAT charges to be applied)