

Black and yellow hoverfly with a 'Batman' symbol on the thorax sitting on purple heather flowers by Wendy Carter

Become a hoverfly hero

Worcestershire Wildlife Trust is calling on gardeners across the county to help save hoverflies.

Common toad and spawn

Spawn spotters needed!

The team at Worcestershire Wildlife Trust is encouraging individuals to record their sightings of toadspawn this spring.

Wide flower-rich woodland ride at Tiddesley Wood by Paul Lane

Protecting wildlife at Tiddesley Wood

Wildlife is to be better protected as a local conservation charity begins to close unauthorised paths at Tiddesley Wood nature reserve.

The Devil's Spittleful nature reserve

Heathland Halloween

Brave locals are invited to test their wits on a heathland horrors Halloween trail.

Colin Raven and Mike Perry stood looking at the camera smiling

New Chief Executive Officer

Mike Perry has been appointed as Chief Executive Officer of Worcestershire Wildlife Trust.

A meadow at Dropping Well Farm, with buildings in the distance

Lambs attacked on nature reserve

Worcestershire Wildlife Trust is urging dog owners to keep their dogs on a lead when on nature reserves and around fields with livestock.

Brown long-eared bat between two roof tiles by Tom Marshall

A treehouse for bats

Rare bats are being given a helping hand in the form of a treehouse.

Hornet hoverfly - chestnut/orange and black striped hoverfly - sitting on creamy white flower

A hornet-mimicking fly

Worcestershire Wildlife Trust is encouraging residents to get in touch if they see a hornet hoverfly.
