Staff profiles
Worcestershire Wildlife Trust staff cover many areas of work including practical conservation, wildlife advice, education, commercial bookings and membership.
On this page you'll find details for all the staff at the Trust. You can email them by clicking on their names and access their teams by clicking on the appropriate link.
Mike Perry - Chief Executive Officer

Key Responsibilities: Overall management and leadership of the Trust on a day-to-day basis. Development of long-term strategy. External advocacy and work with key partners.
Conservation Team
Our Conservation Team is headed by Helen Woodman and includes all the staff directly involved in conservation including those working on reserves, planning, agriculture, forestry, wetlands and grasslands.
Helen Woodman - Head of Conservation

Key Responsibilities: Management of the Wider Countryside and Reserves teams. Responsible for the delivery of the Worcestershire Living Landscapes.
Rob Allen - Reserves Team Leader

Key Responsibilities: Manager of the Reserves Team. Overseeing land management, species and habitat monitoring, volunteer recruitment and engagement as well as budgetary control of Trust reserves.
Andy Harris - Northern Reserves Officer

Key Responsibilities: Management of the Trust's northern reserves including Chaddesley Wood, The Devil's Spittleful, Pound Green Common and Wilden Marsh.
Dominique Cragg - Western Reserves Officer

Key Responsibilities: Management of the Trust's western reserves including Trench Wood, Monkwood and The Knapp and Papermill.
Eleanor Reast - Eastern Reserves Officer

Key responsibilities: Management of the Trust's eastern reserves including Eades and Foster's Green Meadows, Grafton Wood and Upton Warren.
Tomos Holloway - Southern Reserves Officer

Key Responsibilities: Management of the Trust’s southern reserves including Hollybed Farm Meadows, Hill Court Farm, South West Meadow reserves and Tiddesley Wood.
Thomas Watkins - Central Reserves Officer

Key Responsibilities: Management of the Trust’s central reserves including Chaddesley Woods NNR, Piper's Hill and Dodderhill Common and Trench Wood.
Andy Bucklitch - Practical Land Management Officer

Key Responsibilities: The first point of contact for all Trust volunteering enquiries and requests, Iain also runs the Conservation Trainee Team scheme, providing training and experience for people looking for their first nature conservation role.
Conservation Trainees
Key Responsibilities: Conservation trainees carry out practical maintenance and habitat management on nature reserves across the county. Trainees volunteer with us for 12 months and receive training in practical skills relevant to the role, whilst gaining the knowledge and experience needed to begin a career in wildlife conservation.
Our current trainees are: Derren Ball, Jack Hobday and Jess Morrison.
Caroline Corsie - Senior Land Advisor

Key responsibilities: Management of the Trust's arable sites and advice to landowners in Living Landscape project areas on environmentally sensitive farming practice. Management of the Catchment Partnership Agricultural Advisers team.
Jasmine Walters - Wildlife and Farming Officer

Key Responsibilites: Leads the Trust’s input into Local Wildlife Sites and assists with delivery of nature based conservation work at a landscape scape. Oversees the Lower Smite Farm volunteers. Provides ecological evidence and monitoring support for WWT’s land management.
Romy Clarke - Catchment Partnership Agriculture Advisor

Key responsibilities: To engage landowners and farmers to aid in the protection of our environment and reduce water pollution through infrastructure investments and management scheme, the Salmon in the Stour project and work in the Teme CABA (catchment-based approach) in Worcestershire.
Robin Bickley - Catchment Partnership Agriculture Advisor

Key Responsibilities: To engage landowners and farmers to aid in the protection of our environment and reduce water pollution through infrastructure investment and management schemes, a Batchley Brook project and work in the Worcestershire Middle Severn CABA (catchment-based approach).
Emily Williams - Catchment Partnership Agriculture Advisor

Key Responsibilities: To engage landowners and farmers to aid in the protection of our environment and reduce water pollution through infrastructure investment and management schemes.
Jack Reeves - Climate Change and Wildlife Officer

Paul Harris/2020VISION
Key Responsibilities: Monitoring Trust greenhouse gas emissions and managing projects to reduce emissions and improve sustainability, investigating impacts of climate change on our reserves and adaptation strategies.
Steve Bloomfield - Senior Conservation Officer - Planning

Key Responsibilities: Leads the Trust’s input into the planning and development control process with Local Authorities, the public and other partners. Manages WWT elements of the Natural Networks project in collaboration with Worcestershire County Council.
Finley Reynolds - Natural Networks Officer

Key Responsibilities: Delivers habitat surveys, management advice and assistance with grant applications for the Natural Networks project.
Becca Bratt - Natural Networks Officer

Key Responsibilities: Delivers habitat surveys, management advice and assistance with grant applications for the Natural Networks project.
Simone Mansi - Severn Treescapes Trees and Woodland Advisor

Key Responsibilities: Delivers habitat surveys, management advice and assistance with grant applications for the Severn Treescapes project.
Resources team
Our new Head of Fundraising and Engagement has been appointed and will start in March 2024. Fundraising and engagement includes all staff involved in Trust fundraising, membership, communications and education.
Head of Resources - vacant
Monkwood by Ben Rees
Key Responsibilities: Leads the activities and the development of the Trust’s fundraising, communications and engagement operations.
Elise Hill - Senior Membership Officer

Key Responsibilities: Promotes and encourages Trust membership, working with staff and volunteers across the Trust as well as partners and supporters in the wider community.
Joanna Kelly - Membership Officer
Key Responsibilities: Promotes and encourages Trust membership and carries out all membership services.
Membership Recruiters
You will see our team of membership recruiters at events, shops and high streets across Worcestershire. They talk to members of the public about our work to encourage more people to join us as members to support us. This team are employed by South West Wildlife Fundraising Limited, a company jointly owned by Worcestershire Wildlife Trust and seven other Wildlife Trusts in the South West of England.
Neil Beasley
Membership Sales Manager (part-time)
Responsible for recruiting new members of the Trust.
Chris Morris
Sales Team Leader (part-time)
Responsible for recruiting new members of the Trust.
Lara Hunter
Membership Recruiter (part-time)
Responsible for recruiting new members of the Trust.
Gavin McSweeny
Membership Recruiter (part-time)
Responsible for recruiting new members of the Trust.
Paddy Smith
Membership Recruiter (part-time)
Responsible for recruiting new members of the Trust.
Simon Warr
Membership Recruiter (part-time)
Responsible for recruiting new members of the Trust.
Nia Morris
Membership Recruiter (part-time)
Responsible for recruiting new members of the Trust.
Rebecca Bradshaw-King - Senior Fundraising Officer

Key Responsibilities: Manages the Fundraising Team. This includes developing and delivering fundraising bids, building relationships with funders and prospective funders, and developing fundraising systems and processes to generate income for the Trust’s work.
Caitlin Stuart - Fundraising Officer

English bluebell by Robin Couchman
Key responsibilities: Generation of income for the Trust’s work by identifying funding opportunities, bid writing, building relationships with corporates, and delivering a range of fundraising schemes and initiatives.
Wendy Carter - Communications Lead

Key Responsibilities: Leads the Trust’s communications work. This includes press and media liaison, publications, website, social media and interpretation.
Shauna McLaren - Digital and Communications Officer

Key responsibilities: Helping to reach wider and more diverse audiences through social media, our website, press and publications.
Nick Packham - Senior Engagement Officer

Key Responsibilities: Oversees our engagement work. This includes our work with schools and young people and our campaigns and events. Nick also oversees engagement projects ranging from oral history to community engagement in specific areas of Worcestershire.
Marissa Ryland - Engagement Officer - Education

Key responsibilities: Main responsibility is developing and delivering our work with schools at Lower Smite Farm, on nature reserves and in schools working alongside our sessional tutors and volunteers. Marissa manages the wildlife garden at Lower Smite farm and helps deliver a wide range of engagement work.
Beccy Somers - Engagement Officer - Saving Worcestershire’s Heathlands

Key responsibilities: Delivery of the Saving Worcestershire’s Heathlands project. Beccy is working with the local community, which surrounds Dropping Well Farm Nature reserve, in Kidderminster, Bewdley and Stourport to increase understanding of the importance of Heathland habitat and encouraging people to take action for nature in their local area.
Yasmina Ashcroft - Youth & Community Officer

Key responsibility: Delivery of the Nextdoor Nature project and lead for the Outdoor Origins Youth Group. Empowering community groups, schools and young people, faith groups and individuals in Redditch & Bromsgrove, to connect, make space, and take action for, nature and each other.
Ion Riley - Community Warden Officer

Key Responsibilities - Responsible for face-to-face engagement with visitors on our most popular reserves and also for recruiting and managing a growing team of Engagement Volunteers.
Joseph Gillard - Volunteer Development Officer
Volunteers raking a meadow by Iain Turbin
Key Responsibilities: Leads on volunteer recruitment and development for the Trust. In addition Joe has joined our Heathland Heros project to support delivery of habitat creation and management activities with youth groups and volunteers up at Dropping Well Farm.
Finance and Operations team
Our Finance and Operations team is headed by Tom Jenkins who oversees our finance, administration and facilities operations.
Head of Finance and Operations - Tom Jenkins

Key Responsibilities: Oversees a wide range of financial and support duties including maintenance issues, recycling, health & safety and first aid.
Moira Conn - Finance and Administration Assistant / Meetings & Conference Organiser

Key Responsibilities: Carries out a wide range of clerical and support duties in her role as Finance and Administration Assistant. Moira also manages all enquiries for our meetings and conference rooms and supports meetings and events on the day.
Pauline Gardner - Administration Assistant

Key Responsibilities: Carries out a wide range of clerical and support duties at the Trust.