

A hillside that's turning yellow with the flowers of cowslips and the Malvern Hills are in the distance. It's a lovely, sunny day with a blue sky.

Hope, not despair

In his first blog, Mike explores why we need hope and a long-term vision in a world of short-term politics...

Daffodils on a roadside

Springing into conservation

As his year as a conservation trainee draws to a close, Derren discusses his highlights and learnings...

Wood pasture at Croft Castle, Herefordshire

Wonderful wood pasture

Dom discusses the wonders of wood pasture and our visions for Green Farm in 300 years time...

Ashy mining bee (silvery-grey and black) on a blue forget-me-not flower


Take a closer look at the creators of mini-molehills in lawns and flower beds...

Wide grassy path alongside taller vegetation, in the distance are two large barns. It's a sunny day in late summer.

Why history matters

With the help of volunteers, reserves officer Andy has been exploring the history of our heathland sites...

Willow warbler sitting in a silver birch tree

Monitoring Monkwood

Dom discusses how we are measuring changes in the landscape at Green Farm...
