We have developed an exciting range of programmes linked to the new curriculum. All of our programmes are designed to inspire learning about wildlife, plant growth and habitats through a mixture of enquiry-led learning, sensory activities and storytelling.
Our programmes aim to support the Early Years goals and KS1 Science curriculum. The days are based at Lower Smite Farm where we have three large indoor classrooms and lots of wildlife habitats to explore including meadows, woodland, ponds and our vegetable garden.
To book a visit, please email marissa@worcestershirewildlifetrust.org or call 01905 754919
If you have specific needs, please give us a call to discuss how we can tailormake a programme for your class.
We all had such a lovely time, a massive thank you for organising such great activities, they were engaged with everything the whole day.Welland Primary School
Our Foundation & KS1 programmes
Rotters and Decayers - KS1 only
Did you know that decomposers eat fallen leaves and return them as nutrients to the soil to help plants grow? Nematodes are one type of tiny decomposer and there can be millions of them per square metre. Soil, leaf litter and decomposers are amazing!
Your pupils will join Woody the Woodlouse and head underground to discover more about what a decomposer is, what microhabitats they live in and where they fit into a food chain.
- Allow pupils to expand their knowledge of minibeasts through observing and identifying decomposers in their woodland habitat. Pupils will also create a food feast to find out who eats who.
- Explore our very own ‘underground world’ set up in a hazel dome to understand more about Woody the Woodlouse’s friends and decomposer adaptations. Torches provided!
- Get hands-on with a decomposer-inspired art activity, exploring texture and shape linking to artist Clare Youngs. Pupils will make their own decomposer character to take back to school to recap and retell Woody the Woodlouse’s story in the classroom.
Full day, February – May
Supports: KS1 only
- Living things and their habitats
- Naming a variety of animals in their habitats
- Describe simple food chains
- Develop a wide range of art and design techniques using texture and shape. Learn about the work of artists.
Extraordinary Gardener
Investigate how our food grows and where other amazing plants can be found at Lower Smite Farm.
- Join in the story of the Extraordinary Gardener by Sam Boughton – a tale of a boy who turns his local area into an amazing place for people and wildlife.
- Carry out simple experiments in the wildlife garden to find a good place to plant a wheat seed.
- Help in our vegetable garden by carrying out seasonal tasks including planting seeds or harvesting vegetables
- Go on a farm walk - visit the orchard and woodland going on a wildflower treasure hunt and even meet a tree! Finish the day by creating a seed bomb.
Full day, March - September
EYFS goals
KS1 Science: Working Scientifically, Plants
Marvellous Minibeasts
Come nose to nose with a variety of minibeasts living in different habitats.
- Play interactive games and discover the basic needs for survival
- Explore our ponds and woodland. Collect and identify minibeasts using simple equipment
- Investigate how minibeasts are suited to the habitat they live in.
- Discover and build foodchains
Full day March - September
EYFS goals
KS1 Science: Working Scientifically, Living Things & Their Habitats,
Animals including Humans
Autumn Adventures
A fun and interactive day exploring seasonal change on the farm
- Explore the farm following the story of the 'Very Helpful Hedgehog' by Rosie Wellesley
- In groups undertake simple tests to discover different ways that plants are spreading their seeds
- Meet a tree and find out what happens to them in autumn. Make a hedgehog from autumn leaves to take back to school
- Work as a team to harvest some apples or blackberries to taste at lunchtime
- Find out how hedgehogs are getting ready for their winter sleep by playing our hibernation game. Build a mini den for a hedgehog to end the day.
Full or half day, Sep - Nov
EYFS goals
KS1 Science: Working Scientifically, Living Things & Their Habitats, Seasonal Changes
Winter Wonder
Winter Wonder is focussed on storytelling and discovering all about winter and its wildlife. Delve into the humorous story 'Footrprints in the Snow' by Mei Matsuoka. Mr Nice Wolf is looking to make some animal friends. Can we help him find some in your school grounds?
During the session your class will:
- Read 'Footprints in the Snow' story altogether
- Discover wildlife tracks and signs including making animal footprints and discovering fake animal poos!
- Mr Nice Wolf wants to make his woodland comfy and cosy for his new friends. What microhabitats does he need? We will take a closer look at plants. Depending on the year group, we will meet a tree, play a plant ID game and make our art decorations from natural materials.
This session is usually delivered in your school grounds between Nov -Feb. Costs are £180 for a standard sized class, £70 for a second class booked on the same day. Alternatively, this can be run as a full day at Lower Smite Farm. Costs for a visit to the farm are £6.50 per child.
EYFS goals
KS1 Science: Living Things & Their Habitats, Seasonal Change,
Animals including Humans
I came, with sixty EYFS children to take part in your Marvellous Minibeasts topic. We all had a wonderful time. We will definitely be booking you again for next year!
Lyppard Grange Primary School