New year, new opportunities

New year, new opportunities

Reserves officer Dom stood with Monkwood volunteers. Photo by Simone Mansi.

As we enter 2025, Yasmina sets her intentions for the new year and discusses upcoming priorities for the Green Farm project...

First and foremost, Happy New Year! If, like me, you feel like you’ve been dragged (kicking and screaming) into 2025, then this blog is for you. I’m trying a new tactic for achieving more of a ‘positive mental attitude’, I’ll share it with you just in case you need it – this moment is a gift. The past is gone, the future isn’t promised and all that we are gifted is this present moment. I’ve been gifted the opportunity to share my musings with you and I hope you are able to take the gift of a few moments to read them.

That being said, in the world of projects like Green Farm, we are afforded other (essential) gifts like reflective practice and forward planning. It only feels like five minutes since I was reflecting on what had been achieved in the first year of the Green Farm project when, in reality, six months have flown by!

Individual planting a tree at Green Farm

Individual planting a tree at Green Farm. Photo by Yasmina Ashcroft.

The latter part of last year was gobbled up by planning for, and doing, loads of tree planting. Between Dom (Monkwood's manager) and I, we accompanied 202 children and adults to plant 3,850 trees across Green Farm. This amazing achievement took a total of 415 hours of gifted time from generous volunteers (that’s roughly nine trees per hour, if you were wondering). In addition, I delivered assemblies and action for nature sessions both in school grounds and the local community to 243 children from three primary schools local to Monkwood and Green Farm (Hallow, Martley and Lower Broadheath).

Dom, I and the rest of the Green Farm project team would like to extend a huge thank you to everyone who has helped to plant a tree at Green Farm – we couldn’t have done it without you!

Green Farm at dawn - field, hedges and trees with a blue sky and mist by Dominique Cragg

Green Farm at dawn by Dominique Cragg

With the tree planting over and done with (for the most part), we’re looking ahead to what the final six months of the project might look like. Our tippity-top priorities include continuing to support schools and local community groups to take action for nature, as well as using the creative arts to tell stories of the wild lives lived amongst the trees. There will also be a focus on sharing knowledge and skills around woodland species and conservation habitat management (including how to turn your garden or local community patch into a haven for wildlife).

If you are looking for something to sink your teeth into this new year and would like to get involved in practical conservation work at Monkwood or fancy supporting local action for nature in the community, please get in touch!

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