Seasonal snaps
Trail cameras are often used on Dropping Well Farm to capture wildlife on camera. Joe explains how you can do the same in your garden...
Trail cameras are often used on Dropping Well Farm to capture wildlife on camera. Joe explains how you can do the same in your garden...
Julie takes a look at how recording the wildlife we spot is important and how you can get involved...
As the seasons change, so do the tasks on our nature reserves. Conservation trainee Jack explains more…
Nudibranchs, also known as sea slugs, are much like their land-based relatives that you may spot in your garden. But, unlike your regular garden slug, the nudibranch can incorporate the stinging…
Dom revels in the onset of autumn and takes a closer look at managing Green Farm's hedgerows...
Our most common ladybird, the black-on-red markings of the 2-spot Ladybird are familiar to many of us. Ladybirds are beneficial insects, managing garden pests - encourage them by putting up a bug…
One of our most common ladybirds, the black-on-red markings of the 7-spot ladybird are very familiar. Ladybirds are a gardeners best friend as they eat insects that love to nibble on garden plants…
Matt reflects on the start of spring and the growth he has seen in the natural world and personally through training...
Amy reflects on how work changes depending on the season...
The 14-spot ladybird is one of three yellow ladybirds in the UK. Look for it in grassland, woodland and gardens. Ladybirds are beneficial insects, managing garden pests - encourage them by putting…