Please note: the path through the centre of the wood is permanently closed due to dead and diseased limbs. Deadwood is an important habitat and we have taken the decision to leave this in situ to benefit wildlife. The main loop around the woodland remains open.

Lion Wood by Eleanor Reast
Lion Wood
Know before you go
When to visit
Opening times
Open at all timesBest time to visit
March to OctoberAbout the reserve
This small woodland lies on a low ridge of well-leached glacial drift acid soils. The principal trees are oak, birch, holly and rowan with some alder buckthorn in the understorey. With ground flora such as bilberry, heather and wood sage, this woodland community is uncommon in Worcestershire.
The wood can be a rather dark place. In many areas the drooping branches of holly trees have reached the ground and taken root. Over time this has extended the understorey through layering. Spring is an attractive time to visit to hear and see a variety of birds including great and blue tits, nuthatches, treecreepers and great spotted woodpeckers.
The woodland is jointly owned with Warwickshire Wildlife Trust.