Become a hoverfly hero

Become a hoverfly hero

Batman hoverfly by Wendy Carter

Worcestershire Wildlife Trust is calling on gardeners across the county to help save hoverflies.

These insects are the unsung heroes of many of our gardens, crops and wild spaces and are the second most significant pollinator after bees.

Hoverflies visit 52% of crops globally, which they either pollinate or protect by eating sap-sucking aphids. Additionally, they pollinate wildflowers, are food for birds and even help break down organic matter in gardens.

Yet intensive agriculture, harmful pesticides, urban development, tidy gardeners and climate change have all taken their toll. Hoverfly distribution has seen a 44% decline between 1980 to 2020 and in 2022 the International Union for the Conservation of Nature added hoverflies to its Red List of threatened species.

To give hoverflies a helping hand, Worcestershire’s gardeners and community space champions are being encouraged to create spaces for the insects in their patches.

Nick Packham, senior engagement officer at the Trust, explains “With the concerning decline in hoverflies fitting into the larger picture of 41% of insects facing extinction, more needs to be done in greenspaces and gardens to help these small creatures.

“Lots can be done in small or contained spaces. Log piles make perfect homes for hoverfly larvae and borders or pots filled with flowering plants provide pollination stations for hoverflies, bees and butterflies.”

Black and yellow hoverfly with a 'Batman' symbol on the thorax sitting on ivy flower by Wendy Carter

Batman hoverfly by Wendy Carter

Spotting hoverflies can be tricky; these stingless insects are often mistaken for wasps, bees or hornets. The key identifying feature of hoverflies, which make up over 280 of 6000 fly species in the UK, is that they only have one pair of flight wings (whereas bees and wasps have two).

Individual species can be identified by the distinctive markings and colours that have inspired common names such as footballer and marmalade.

One particular species, the Batman hoverfly, is a target for the county’s Wildlife Sightings scheme, where locals are encouraged to take a photo and record their sightings on the Trust’s website.

Diana Westmoreland, Wildlife Sightings volunteer, says “As a wasp-mimic, the Batman hoverfly may be hard to identify in flight. However, if you spot one perched on a leaf or flower and take a closer look, you should be able to see a ‘Batman’ symbol on their thorax that sets them apart from other hoverfly species.

“Their larvae love damp conditions; whilst they typically develop amongst cracks and crevices in trees, they have been found in compost heaps and even buckets!

“With our changing weather, it’s possible that the distribution and population of Batman hoverflies could change over time. By submitting your sightings, you can help us to monitor how this species is faring.”

To identify hoverflies in gardens and to learn more about how to help save this species, please visit the Trusts 'Wild about hoverflies' webpage, where you can download a free booklet, developed by The Wildlife Trusts in collaboration with the Royal Horticultural Society.

Wild about hoverflies booklet cover

Wild about hoverflies booklet cover