Staff and pupils have been working with the local conservation charity over the last two years to discover more about the history of their local area and nearby nature reserve, Hardwick Green Meadows.
Worcestershire Wildlife Trust bought the 20 hectare site in 2017 and, with help from the National Lottery Heritage Fund, embarked on a programme of activities to engage the local community with the importance of the meadows.
Part of the project has been to record memories of people who have lived in the area for many years (for some, all of their lives) and to introduce some of those individuals to the two local schools to help pupils understand what life used to be like. The three to eleven year old pupils learnt about the importance of capturing information as well as practical skills such as how to interview and how to use recording equipment.
Playwright John Townsend then spent time with pupils from Pendock Primary School to collate the memories in the play for the children to perform to parents and the local community.