Weeks on woodlands and wetlands

Weeks on woodlands and wetlands

Land Rover at Chaddesley Woods by Matt Martin

From clearing fallen trees to checking fencing, Jack details what he has been up to so far this winter...
Trainees sat on a fallen tree with chainsaws

Trainees sat on a fallen tree with chainsaws 

We’re all aware that there have been a lot of big storms in recent months. A fair few trees have fallen down on our nature reserves, which has caused a lot of work for us at the Trust. Recently, we’ve been spending most of our time at Chaddesley Woods, clearing the public and permissive footpaths from a lot of big pine trees that had fallen in the strong winds. This presented the perfect opportunity to go out, get more practice with the chainsaws and hone our newly certified skills.

Whilst clearing and cutting fallen trees, there are a few things you have to be mindful of. When trees are leaning over a footpath, you need to know where there is tension (where tree fibres are stretched) and compression (where tree fibres are compacted) as you don’t want your saw to get stuck or, worse, the tree flinging back at you. When completing this task, the main thing is that you have a clean and clear escape route. However, I’ve found that having a woodland as your office is probably one of the biggest perks of the traineeship!

Jack tree planting at Green Farm

Jack tree planting at Green Farm

In addition to chainsawing, we did a lot of tree planting at Green Farm. I realised that there was, in fact, a right and wrong way to plant a tree. It’s not, as I thought, just digging a hole and plonking the tree in; you have to use a ‘T’ cut. This opens up the ground for you to put the tree in and then you press the ground around it with your feet to make it as compact as possible. We helped to plant a mixture of tree species, such as oak, rowan, hazel and wild cherry.

From woodlands to wetlands! I have also spent a lot of time recently at Upton Warren, making sure The Flashes are completely fox and badger proof. It’s important that we have the fox fence around The Flashes to protect the birds on site. The Flashes is a saltmarsh, an important and rare inland habitat that attracts birds not normally found in land-locked counties.

Derren and I joined reserves officer Ellie for the day to strim around the perimeter of the reserve with brushcutters, while Andy B walked around checking for any holes in the fences. It was hard work strimming around the outside but once we finished, it was good to see the results of our work. A few weeks later, we returned with the roving volunteers to help finish off clearing the rest of the fence, as you can’t get too close when using the brushcutters.  We had to be particularly careful as the marshes are very wet and can swallow up your wellies very easily (as rover Sam found out!).

Jack joined us as a conservation trainee, after developing a love for wildlife through work and studies.