Ivy bee

Ivy bee

Ivy bee ©Jane Adams

Ivy bee

Scientific name: Colletes hederae
The ivy bee is a new arrival to the UK. First recorded here in 2001, it is slowly spreading north. It feeds mainly on the nectar of ivy flowers and can be seen in autumn when this plant is in bloom.

Species information


Length: 1.0-1.3cm

Conservation status

Introduced, non-native species.

When to see

September to November


The ivy bee was first recorded in the UK in 2001, and has now been found in much of Southern England and Wales, and in the Channel Islands. As suggested by its common name, Ivy is the main plant used by this bee for pollen. It is seen when ivy is in flower, from early September to early November. Ivy bees nest in loose, light or sandy soil on southern-facing banks and cliffs with ivy nearby for foraging. They are solitary bees, but when conditions are suitable, there may be thousands of nests in the same area.

How to identify

The ivy bee looks similar to a honey bee; it has an orangey-brown, hairy thorax, and distinct black and yellow stripes on its abdomen.

In our area

Ivy bees were first seen in Worcestershire in 2013 and have since spread across the county. We're still tracking the spread of the bees so if you have bees emerging from your lawn or flower beds in September or October, please get in touch with Worcestershire Biological Records Centre records@wbrc.org.uk along with date and location (grid reference and/or postcode) as well as a photograph to confirm identification.


Found in Southern England and Wales, and the Channel Islands.

Did you know?

Ivy bees feed mainly on ivy, so they time their emergence to fit in with the flowering period of this common plant: late September to November.

How people can help

The Wildlife Trusts record and monitor our local wildlife to understand the effects of various factors on their populations, such as the introduction of new species. You can help with this vital monitoring work by becoming a volunteer - you'll not only help local wildlife, but learn new skills and make new friends along the way.