News: Nature Recovery Network


Water vole amongst vegetation by Wendy Carter

Urgent action needed to reverse nature's decline

The landmark State of Nature 2023 report shows that nature is continuing to decline at an alarming rate across the UK, which is already one of the most nature-depleted countries in the world.

Natural Networks wildflowers sign next to a project to create a wildflower-rich meadow

Natural Networks success

A project to connect habitats and increase the abundance of wildlife in Worcestershire is celebrating the securing of funding to extend the project for another two years.

Big field edged with trees by Paul Lane

Green light for Green Farm

Land adjacent to a much-loved nature reserve has been saved for wildlife thanks to the support of the public and charitable funds and trusts.

Dormouse by Bev Lewis

Dormouse discovery

Staff and volunteers at the Trust are delighted at news that dormice have been found at a new site.

Looking up along a trunk into the canopy of a tree by Linda Moore

Creating a 60 mile corridor of trees

A partnership project between three Wildlife Trusts, led by Gloucestershire Wildlife Trust, has been awarded £498,902 from the Trees Call to Action Fund, led by Defra, the Forestry Commission and…


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