Blog: seasons


Long-tailed tit perched on a twig in front of a reed bed. It's a sunny winter day and the bird has its back to the photographer (long black tail, black/brown/grey wings with a dark and light grey head turned to the side)


Mumruffins, lollipop birds, lotties...

Guelder rose - bright red berries and reddish leaves - sharply in the foreground with blurred line of guelder rose hedge in the background

Explosion of colour

Dom provides a feast for the senses as autumn arrives at Monkwood...

Red admiral butterflies feeding on ivy

Ivy league plants

Delving into the perfect plant for food and shelter...

Two fluffy willow catkins amongst lots of budding willow by Wendy Carter

Kitten’s tails

Delve into the world of fuzzy pussy willow catkins...

Group of waxwing birds sitting in a tree by Wendy Carter

A waxwing winter?

As autumn turns to winter, the thoughts of wildlife-watchers turn to the question of 'could this be a waxwing winter'...

Chaffinch sitting on a branch in the snow by Wendy Carter

Bachelor birds

As our familiar chaffinches are joined by their travelling cousins, take a closer look at these peachy relatives...

Pile of reddy-chestnut-brown conkers on the ground with a horse chestnut tree in the background by Wendy Carter

Conker time

With candles in the spring and conkers in the autumn, there’s more to the non-native horse chestnut tree than meets the eye...

Abnormal growth of a knopper gall on an oak tree - knobbly green uneven growth of an acorn - with normal growth of acorns on the same branch (photo by Wendy Carter)

A galling time of year

Knobbly knoppers, silky buttons and fluffy pincushions; it must be gall time...


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