Blog: restoration


Rabbit looking at the camera, surrounded by green vegetation

Heathland herbivores

Reserve manager, Andy, takes a look at the importance of the role of herbivores in managing heathlands...

Scarce black mining bee feeding on an umbel head

One special bee

Nick takes a closer look at one of the specialities of Worcestershire's heathlands, the scarce black mining bee...

Common whitethroat, caterpillar in beak, sitting amongst green vegetation

Warblers and cuckoos

Dom reflects on how the project to expand Monkwood into Green Farm is helping migratory birds...

Undulating landscape of ridge and furrow in a field with bales of hay and a woodland in the background

Reading the landscape (part 2)

Dom considers the loss of ponds in the landscape as she prepares to create new wetlands at Green Farm...

Bunch of reddish apples hanging in a tree by Wendy Carter

Awesome orchards

Julie explores the folklore surrounding apples and orchards...


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