Blog: Government


A young adult badger in evening light by Andrew Parkinson/2020VISION

Government U-turn on promises to end badger culling

We have confirmation of the latest badger cull authorised this autumn by Government. This is the largest ever seasonal cull and will bring the total shot to 35% of the UK’s badger population.

Badger by Andrew Parkinson/2020VISION

Badgers win reprieve

At last the government has announced that culling of badgers will be halted and replaced by vaccination – just what we have been calling for since the first culling was approved.

HS2 illustration

HS2 – “What’s the Damage?”

Ecosystems permanently damaged. Irreplaceable habitats destroyed. Taxpayer's money spent on restoration wasted. Wildlife extinctions at a local level. This could be nature’s fate if the…


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