Blog: wildlife sightings


Notch-horned cleg - fly with furry face and colourful eyes with z-g-zag patterns

Stealth and beauty

Taking a closer look at the (slightly) misunderstood world of horseflies...

7-spot ladybird (red beetle with black spots on wing cases) sitting amongst frothy creamy flowers of cow parsley

Ladybird, ladybird

Take a look at the spotty (and not-so-spotty) world of ladybirds...

Aspen leaf-rolling weevil - small metallic-coloured beetle with a long 'nose' sitting on a leaf

The bioblitz blog

Julie takes a look at how recording the wildlife we spot is important and how you can get involved...

Common toad by Jason Curtis

Amorous amphibians

Discover why the toad crossed the road, how to tell the difference between frog and toad spawn and more...


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