Blog: winter


A small white-ish feather floating on a dark background - difficult to tell whether it's on water or ice


Taking a different look at birds...

Long-tailed tit perched on a twig in front of a reed bed. It's a sunny winter day and the bird has its back to the photographer (long black tail, black/brown/grey wings with a dark and light grey head turned to the side)


Mumruffins, lollipop birds, lotties...

Two fluffy willow catkins amongst lots of budding willow by Wendy Carter

Kitten’s tails

Delve into the world of fuzzy pussy willow catkins...

Group of waxwing birds sitting in a tree by Wendy Carter

A waxwing winter?

As autumn turns to winter, the thoughts of wildlife-watchers turn to the question of 'could this be a waxwing winter'...

Chaffinch sitting on a branch in the snow by Wendy Carter

Bachelor birds

As our familiar chaffinches are joined by their travelling cousins, take a closer look at these peachy relatives...


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