Blog: nature reserve


Guelder rose - bright red berries and reddish leaves - sharply in the foreground with blurred line of guelder rose hedge in the background

Explosion of colour

Dom provides a feast for the senses as autumn arrives at Monkwood...

Common whitethroat, caterpillar in beak, sitting amongst green vegetation

Warblers and cuckoos

Dom reflects on how the project to expand Monkwood into Green Farm is helping migratory birds...

Bright green of wood spurge contrasted against the darker green of trees behind it

Into the green

Dom delves into the green of the wood and takes a closer look at three very special insects...

Aspen leaf-rolling weevil - small metallic-coloured beetle with a long 'nose' sitting on a leaf

The bioblitz blog

Julie takes a look at how recording the wildlife we spot is important and how you can get involved...

Yellowhammer amongst blossom of a hawthorn tree by Wendy Carter

Project Yellowhammer

Ion takes a look at the plight of yellowhammers and what we can all do to help these beautiful birds...

Undulating landscape of ridge and furrow in a field with bales of hay and a woodland in the background

Reading the landscape (part 2)

Dom considers the loss of ponds in the landscape as she prepares to create new wetlands at Green Farm...


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