Blog: Dropping Well Farm


Wide grassy path alongside taller vegetation, in the distance are two large barns. It's a sunny day in late summer.

Why history matters

With the help of volunteers, reserves officer Andy has been exploring the history of our heathland sites...

Fox on trail cam at Dropping Well Farm

Seasonal snaps

Trail cameras are often used on Dropping Well Farm to capture wildlife on camera. Joe explains how you can do the same in your garden...

Devil's Spittleful

Heathland horrors

Beccy discusses some of the spookier wildlife that can be spotted on our heathlands...

Rabbit looking at the camera, surrounded by green vegetation

Heathland herbivores

Reserve manager, Andy, takes a look at the importance of the role of herbivores in managing heathlands...

Footprint tunnel at Dropping Well Farm

Following footprints

Joe has been following footprints on the search for small mammals at Dropping Well Farm..


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