Blog: history


Wide grassy path alongside taller vegetation, in the distance are two large barns. It's a sunny day in late summer.

Why history matters

With the help of volunteers, reserves officer Andy has been exploring the history of our heathland sites...

Rabbit looking at the camera, surrounded by green vegetation

Heathland herbivores

Reserve manager, Andy, takes a look at the importance of the role of herbivores in managing heathlands...

Undulating landscape of ridge and furrow in a field with bales of hay and a woodland in the background

Reading the landscape

Dom takes a journey back in time as she uses modern technology to ponder what life was like 500 years ago...

Illustration of heathland management through time - background of heathland habitat with mammoth illustration, farmer with scythe illustration, soldier with rifle illustration, tractor illustration and photo of a group of modern volunteers

Heathland heritage

Volunteer and guest blogger Sue Duffield takes a look at how Dropping Well Farm and the surrounding heathland became what they are today...

Corky-fruited water dropwort in a field at Hardwick Green Meadows by Wendy Carter

Floodplain Meadows Through Time

In mid-October we hosted an event to discover more about the history and natural history of floodplain meadows...


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