Blog: Lydia Rackham


Woman with a stick to bash bracken by Iain Turbin

A fond farewell...

Lydia bids us a fond farewell as the next chapter in her career begins...

Green Farm at dawn - field, hedges and trees with a blue sky and mist by Dominique Cragg

Readying to pass on wisdom...

Lydia reflects on the skills, knowledge and experience she's gained as another trainee joins the team...

Heathland at The Devil's Spittleful with the occasional tree in an otherwise open landscape by Lydia Rackham

A love of heathlands

Lydia takes a closer look at how to manage one of her favourite habitats...

Woman looking at the camera through a face guard during coppicing

New beginnings

Our first conservation trainee of the autumn, Lydia, introduces herself...


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