Blog: Gardening for wildlife


Ashy mining bee (silvery-grey and black) on a blue forget-me-not flower


Take a closer look at the creators of mini-molehills in lawns and flower beds...

Yellow brimstone butterfly feeding on purple honesty flower by Wendy Carter

Buttery butterfly

Let’s take a closer look at the most ‘butter’fly of butterflies…

Photo showing a raised bed with plants in and the words 'created by the community for the community' around the bed (by Liz Yorke)

Communities helping nature

Allan takes a look at why community action has such an important role to play in restoring nature...

Close  up of the yellow flower of a dandelion

Sunshine flowers

Delve into the world of the 'weed' that brings sunshine to our lives...

Wildflowers (dandelions, daisies, ground ivy) on edge of lawn and patio by Wendy Carter

Let it grow

Wendy encourages gardeners across Worcestershire to say no to the mow…

White eggs speckled with brown sitting amongst brown woody material in a nest by Stephanie Franklin

The real eggs of Easter

Did you know that it takes more than 200% of its daily energy for a bird to produce just one egg?

Hairy-footed flower bee feeding from pink lungwort flower by Wendy Carter


What's that super-charged insect zooming from flower to flower...

Buff-tailed bumblebee taking nectar from a long tube-like purple flower by Brett Westwood

Thieving bumblebees

Discover why bumblebees aren't keeping up their end of the bargain in Brett's garden...

pink flower of herb Robert and red flower of scarlet pimpernel by Rosemary Winnall

Wondrous weeds

Admire the beauty of Rosemary's collection of 'weeds'...

Common carder bumblebee on verbena flower by Nick Upton/2020VISION

We need action to reverse the decline of insects

Insects are dying out up to 8 times faster than larger animals and 41% of insect species face extinction states a new report commissioned by our Wildlife Trust colleagues in the southwest...


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