Musings on foxgloves
Foxgloves, foxgloves everywhere in Anne's garden...
Foxgloves, foxgloves everywhere in Anne's garden...
Rosemary discovers that the owls beat the jackdaws to the nest box this year...
Rosemary discovers a real toad in the hole...
When is a weed not a weed...and the tomatoes are growing in Anne's garden...
Rosemary offers her birds a selection of nest-building materials...
Jean takes a different view through her window...
The robins fledge and Rosemary wonders what's taken up residence in the kestrel box...
Seedlings and scarce ladybirds - it's all happening in Anne's garden...
Jean reports on the annual 'rescue' of doorstep ducklings...
Brett delights in having provided a home for orange-tip butterflies...